Alpha Chi at Tulane University

Home » Res Gestae » Alpha Chi at Tulane University

By lkoelle on January 4, 2012. No Comments

This Spring 2011, our chapter co-sponsored

two lectures with the Classics Club.

The first, scheduled for February (to coincide

with Carnival season), was entitled

“The Greek Way of Mardi Gras” and

was a lecture on Greek festivals, by yours

truly. The second lecture, given in April,

immediately following the Eta Sigma Phi

initiation ceremony, was given by Professor

Katherine Welch, of the Institute of Fine

Arts at NYU, and was entitled “Judicial

Process and Public Visibility in the Greek

Agora, Roman Forum, and in Pagan and

Early Christian Basilicas.”

We initiated eleven new members in

April, with a dinner and dessert reception

following. Our new officers are eager to

return in the fall to brainstorm ideas for

increased chapter activities. We are in a

strange position in terms of student government;

Tulane does not give any student

organization funding to “discriminatory”

organizations, defined as any organization

with membership requirements that

exclude any student, faculty, or staff member

at Tulane. With its Latin and Greek

requirements, Eta Sigma Phi is classified as

a discriminatory organization. Right now

we are co-sponsoring events with the Classics

Club, which has open membership, but

in Fall 2011 we are hoping to talk to other

honors fraternities to see how they are

handling Tulane’s stringent policies about

funding. Until then, the co-sponsoring

arrangement has allowed the Alpha Chi

chapter to remain active at Tulane.

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