Beta Mu at Butler University

Home » Res Gestae » Beta Mu at Butler University

By lkoelle on January 4, 2012. No Comments

This year, Beta Mu Chapter of Eta Sigma

Phi was reestablished on Butler University’s

campus, thanks to the efforts of Professor

Bungard, a second year professor who has

begun revitalizing the Classical Studies

Program at Butler, and a group of dedicated

Latin and Greek students. We initiated six

new members, three each semester, and

we organized end of the semester Classical

banquets. Eta Sigma Phi has also branched

out in two ways. The officers have made

contacts with non-language Classics students

to begin a Classics Club on campus.

Also, our sponsor organized a Latin reading

group that met outside of class on a weekly

basis. This year, members worked on

Prudentius’ Psychomachia. We are currently

looking for more ways to become more

involved on Butler’s campus and are excited

to expand even more next year!

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