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Upcoming Deadlines

Upcoming Deadlines

Salvete/χαίρετε!  Application deadlines for various opportunities for members are approaching. February 5:  Deadline for submission of papers for the 2017 undergraduate research panel at the annual meeting of the Society of Classical Studies February 15:  Deadline for applications for summer travel-study scholarships to the American Academy at Rome, the American…

National Latin Teacher Recruitment Week

National Latin Teacher Recruitment Week

National Latin Teacher Recruitment Week is fast approaching (March 7-11).   We need more teachers ready to take up the charge, as we know from the article which Ronnie Ancona and Kathleen Durkin wrote for Amphora: https://classicalstudies.org/amphora/there-shortage-certified-latin-teachers-please-spread-word-0.  There are many resources to be found at https://www.promotelatin.org/nltrw, including a mini-grant application.  Grants of up to $200…

Convention Materials Now Available

Convention Materials Now Available

Registration is now open for the 88th Annual Convention hosted by the Gamma Omicron Chapter of Monmouth College.  You can find details about lodging, registration, and convention activities on the Convention page.  Please join us April 1-3 in Monmouth; March 14 is the cut-off for timely hotel reservations and March…

Are You Going to San Francisco?

Are You Going to San Francisco?

ΗΣΦ at the SCS/AIA Panel sponsored by ΗΣΦ: The Next Generation: Papers by Undergraduate Classics Students, Saturday (1/9), 2:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m., Sheraton Golden Gate 2. Reception for members, advisers, and other interested parties on Friday evening (1/8) from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. in the Union Square 16 of…

Fall 2015 Nuntius

Fall 2015 Nuntius

Hey, Cicero, I will not even mention that the latest edition of Nuntius is now available on the ΗΣΦ website. Included in this issue are the mores of the 87th annual convention in New Jersey and exciting announcements of tempora to come. Just follow this link: Nuntius 89-2. Five printed…

Mentoring Program in California

Mentoring Program in California

Starting a new Latin position in California? Here is a new resource for you! The new California Latin Teacher Mentoring Project has now posted an online link, hosted by California Classical Association South at ccasouth.org.  This link will offer a place for any new Latin teacher working in California to…

News from the 87th Annual Convention

News from the 87th Annual Convention

Over 100 delegates from 16 chapters attended the 87th annual convention in Atlantic City, NJ at the invitation of Stockton University.  Attendees conducted the business of the society but also enjoyed scholarly presentations from students and faculty, certamina, and Greek dancing lessons. Among the highlights… Petitions for new chapters were approved from…

Nuntii Adsunt!

Nuntii Adsunt!

The next issue of Nuntius(89-1) is now available in digital format. This issue includes reports from the 2014 scholarship winners and abstracts of the papers presented at the 2015 ΗΣΦ panel at the Society for Classical Studies. Hard copies will be sent to active chapters in the coming weeks. Read…

Convention Deadlines Approach

Convention Deadlines Approach

The cut off for the convention rate at the Courtyard Marriott is March 18.  (This is an extension.)  The deadline for regular registrations for the convention is March 20.  After the 20th, all registrations will be assessed a late fee and must be made on-line.  For more information, please visit the Annual Convention page.…

Fox Scholarship Deadline Extended

Fox Scholarship Deadline Extended

Eta Sigma Phi has extended the deadline for applications for the Bernice L. Fox Scholarship until February 15. The scholarship awards $750 to members who have recently graduated and are pursuing careers in the teaching of Latin and Greek. The award must be used for activities related to professional development.…

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