Posted on April 18, 2015 by Aeger and saved under News
Over 100 delegates from 16 chapters attended the 87th annual convention in Atlantic City, NJ at the invitation of Stockton University. Attendees conducted the business of the society but also enjoyed scholarly presentations from students and faculty, certamina, and Greek dancing lessons. Among the highlights… Petitions for new chapters were approved from…
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Posted on April 16, 2015 by Aeger and saved under News
The next issue of Nuntius(89-1) is now available in digital format. This issue includes reports from the 2014 scholarship winners and abstracts of the papers presented at the 2015 ΗΣΦ panel at the Society for Classical Studies. Hard copies will be sent to active chapters in the coming weeks. Read…
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Posted on March 7, 2015 by Aeger and saved under News
The cut off for the convention rate at the Courtyard Marriott is March 18. (This is an extension.) The deadline for regular registrations for the convention is March 20. After the 20th, all registrations will be assessed a late fee and must be made on-line. For more information, please visit the Annual Convention page.…
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Posted on February 5, 2015 by Aeger and saved under News
Eta Sigma Phi has extended the deadline for applications for the Bernice L. Fox Scholarship until February 15. The scholarship awards $750 to members who have recently graduated and are pursuing careers in the teaching of Latin and Greek. The award must be used for activities related to professional development.…
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Posted on January 16, 2015 by Aeger and saved under News
Salvete/χαίρετε! The deadlines for a number of opportunities sponsored by the society are approaching. January 30: Deadline for submissions to the next issue of Nuntius. Please send these to the editor, Prof. Georgia Irby of the College of William and Mary ( February 1: Deadline for application for scholarships for…
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Posted on December 28, 2014 by Aeger and saved under News
Eta Sigma Phi will again sponsor a panel for undergraduate research at the annual conference of the Society for Classical Studies, originally founded as American Philological Association. This is the seventh panel sponsored by the society. The papers were chosen by anonymous, qualified reviewers selected from among Eta Sigma Phi’s faculty…
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Posted on November 5, 2014 by Aeger and saved under News
The Next Generation: Papers by Undergraduate Classics Students A Panel Sponsored by Eta Sigma Phi for the 2016 Annual Meeting of the Society for Classical Studies January 7-10, 2016 San Francisco, CA Eta Sigma Phi, the national honorary society for classical studies, invites papers from undergraduate members of the SCS. …
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Posted on August 30, 2014 by Aeger and saved under News
Eta Sigma Phi will once again sponsor a panel of undergraduate research at the biennial meeting of the Southern Section of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South. The following papers were selected from those submitted to the society: Mason Johnson, Rhodes College, “Behind The Lines: Analyzing Definite…
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Posted on May 8, 2014 by Aeger and saved under News
G.LA.DI.VS (nempe Grex Latinus Didacopolitanus) coetus Latinitatis vivae est, Didacopoli (vulgo San Diego) conditus anno MMV. Semel enim in mense “gladiatores”, in loco amoeno congregati, de quacumque re Latine colloquuntur . Sodales autem ΗΣΦ, in California meridionali habitantes, invitantur ut ad conventicula GLADII adsint et, linguam antiquorum Romanorum renovantes, novos…
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Posted on May 2, 2014 by Aeger and saved under News
The special edition of Nuntius commemorating the centennial anniversary of the society is now available on-line. Hard copies will be sent to individual chapters in the coming weeks.…
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