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Who’s Coming to the 90th Annual Convention?

Who’s Coming to the 90th Annual Convention?

The following chapters will be represented at the annual convention March 23-25 in Carlisle, PA: Beta Iota at Wake Forest University, Beta Psi at Rhodes College, Gamma Omicron at Monmouth College, Delta Chi at St. Olaf College, Epsilon at the University of Iowa, Zeta Beta at Temple University, Zeta Nu at the University of Maryland, Eta Delta…

Hotel Reservation Deadline Extended Until March 2

Hotel Reservation Deadline Extended Until March 2

Eta Sigma Phi, with the help of the local committee, has reserved a block of rooms at Comfort Suites Carlisle for the conference.  The hotel is located at 10 South Hanover Street, Carlisle, PA 17013–within four blocks of Dickinson College.  The group rate is $106 per night.  Reservations must be made…

Registration Opens for the 2018 Convention

Registration Opens for the 2018 Convention

Registration is now open for the 2018 Convention of the society to be held March 23-25 in Carlisle, PA at the invitation of the ΔΘ chapter of Dickinson College. Registration must be completed by March 9 to avoid late penalties.  Hotel reservation must be made by March 2 to secure a…

2018 Lifetime Achievement Awards

2018 Lifetime Achievement Awards

Eta Sigma Phi is pleased to announce the 2018 Lifetime Achievement Award winners:  Profs. Judith P. Hallett of the University of Maryland at College Park and Hans-Friedrich Mueller of Union College.  Prof. Hallett, a specialist in Latin literature as well as gender, sexuality, and the family in Greek and Roman…

Call for Papers: 90th Annual Convention

Call for Papers:  90th Annual Convention

Undergraduate members of Eta Sigma Phi are invited to submit papers for consideration for presentation at the convention on Saturday March 24, 2018 at Dickinson College in Carlisle, PA. Creative works and artistic performances (musical, dramatic, etc.) may be proposed in lieu of a paper. The papers will be reviewed…

T-shirts Through the Years

T-shirts Through the Years

Emerita Chair of the Board of Trustees, Martha Davis, has graciously donated an assortment of old Eta Sigma Phi t-shirts, many of which are from past annual conventions. As Advisor to the Zeta Beta chapter at Temple University, Professor Davis is well known for her enthusiastic involvement in our annual…

Call for Papers: 2019 Society for Classical Studies

Call for Papers:  2019 Society for Classical Studies

The Next Generation: Papers by Undergraduate Classics Students A Panel Sponsored by Eta Sigma Phi for the 2018 Annual Meeting of the Society for Classical Studies January 3-6, 2019 San Diego, California Eta Sigma Phi, the national honorary society for classical studies, invites papers from undergraduate members of the SCS.…

Δίκη has returned from the Heavens

Δίκη has returned from the Heavens

Δίκη has returned from the heavens bearing the next issue of Nuntius (91-2). Read all about the happenings at our last convention in Ann Arbor and begin planning for future opportunities and activities. 5 print copies will be sent to chapters filing an annual report for 2017-18 in the coming…

Nuntii Advenerunt

Nuntii Advenerunt

Sodales Sapientissimi, Not only has Drake’s new album been released this week, but also the next issue of Nuntius.  You can find the electronic version of the newsletter here.  You’re on your own for Drake. Printed copies will be sent to active chapters before the end of the term.…

Program to the 2017 Convention

Program to the 2017 Convention

Friday, March 24th 5:00-7:00pm, Conservatory, Kensington Court Hotel Registration and Reception Light refreshments will be provided before the formal program begins 7:00-9:00pm, Conservatory, Kensington Court Hotel        Opening Remarks and Certamen Saturday, March 25th 8:00-8:30 am, Kensington Court Lobby Shuttles depart for Campus (UM Union) Continental breakfast will be…

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