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Who’s Coming to the 89th Annual Convention?

Who’s Coming to the 89th Annual Convention?

Edit This Post The following chapters will be represented at the annual convention March 24-26 in Ann Arbor, MI: Epsilon at the University of Iowa, Omega at the College of William and Mary, Alpha Eta at the University of Michigan, Alpha Kappa at the University of Illinois, Beta Iota at…

Deadlines for 89th Convention Imminent

Deadlines for 89th Convention Imminent

Tempus, sicut lepus saltans, fugit. Deadlines for the 89th Annual Convention in Ann Arbor, MI are fast approaching. The cut-off for the best rate at the Kensington Hotel is Saturday, February 25. The deadline for timely registration is March 10.  Registrations received after March 10 will be assessed a penalty…

Call for Papers: Society for Classical Studies 2018

Call for Papers: Society for Classical Studies 2018

The Next Generation: Papers by Undergraduate Classics Students A Panel Sponsored by Eta Sigma Phi for the 2018 Annual Meeting of the Society for Classical Studies January 4-7, 2018 Boston, Massachusetts             Eta Sigma Phi, the national honorary society for classical studies, invites papers from undergraduate members of the SCS. …

International Society for Archaeology Announces Field School

International Society for Archaeology Announces Field School

The International Society for Archaeology, Art, and Architecture of Rome announces an opportunity for students to learn and develop basic skills in stratigraphic excavation of a complex and previously un-explored site at the base of the Palatine Hill. Located in the Horrea Agrippiana section of the Roman Forum, at the base of the…

O Canada, Maiorum Patria, Cui Frons Perenni Lauro…

O Canada, Maiorum Patria, Cui Frons Perenni Lauro…

Eta Sigma Phi was well represented at the 148th meeting of the Society for Classical Studies in Toronto, Ontario, January 5-8. The society sponsored its seventh panel of undergraduate research “The Next Generation.” Prof. Antonios Augoustakis of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Chair of the Board of Trustees…

Hotel Reservations for 89th Convention in Michigan

Hotel Reservations for 89th Convention in Michigan

The Kensington Hotel at 3500 S. State St., Ann Arbor, MI 48108 will serve as the hotel for the 89th convention. ΗΣΦ has contracted with the Kensington to provide rooms for attendees starting $139 per night. The standard room will contain one king-sized or two full-sized beds. Call the hotel directly…

Call for Papers: 89th Annual Convention

Call for Papers:  89th Annual Convention

Undergraduate members of Eta Sigma Phi are invited to submit papers for consideration for presentation at the convention on Saturday, March 25, 2017 at the University of Michigan. Creative works and artistic performances (musical, dramatic, etc.) may be proposed in lieu of a paper. The papers will be reviewed anonymously,…

αἱ ἀγγελίαι ἔρχονται

αἱ ἀγγελίαι ἔρχονται

Our messengers are on the road with latest edition of Nuntius. If you do not wish to wait for their arrival, the digital version is now available on the ΗΣΦ website. Included in this issue are the highlights of the 2016 annual convention in Illinois, diatribes from our new officers, and the…

Deadline Approaches for Submissions to Philomathes

Deadline Approaches for Submissions to Philomathes

Austin Peay State University is pleased to announce the launch of Philomathes: A Journal of Undergraduate Research in Classics.  This on-line journal will publish original research projects carried out by undergraduate students in any area of Classics.  Undergraduate research has become a prime component of university study in Classics, but…

CAMWS Southern Section: Deadline Extension

CAMWS Southern Section:  Deadline Extension

Salvete/χαίρετε! The deadline for submission of papers to the Eta Sigma Phi panel at CAMWS Southern Section has been extended by one week.  We will now accept papers until Monday, May 16, at 9:00 a.m. CDT. Please be advised that papers for the Eta Sigma Phi panel must be submitted…

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