complied by Megale Hyparchos Mary Banovetz (2008-2009)
- Peer Tutoring
- Movie Nights & Discussion
- Life of Brian, O Brother Where Art Thou, The Passion of the Christ, Indian Jones, The Mummy & The Mummy Returns, Jupiter’s Darling, I Claudius, Troy, Jason and the Argonauts, 300, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, Clash of the Titans, 300 Spartans, Gladiator
- Weekly TV show viewings & Discussion (HBO’s Rome has been popular)
- Lectures
- By your own faculty, or invite guest lecturers
- Attend AIA or APA lectures
- Student papers
- Parties/Picnics
- Saturnalia/Floralias/Eleusinian Mysteries
- Solstice Celebrations, Ides of March, Eruption of Pompeii
- Birthday of Rome, Caesar, etc.
- Initiation Celebrations – at an appropriately Greek or Italian themed restaurant?
- Holiday/Beginning/End of Semester Parties
- Toga Parties
- Ice-Cream Socials
- Classics Tea and Conversation
- Dances
- Holiday Activities:
- Latin Christmas Caroling
- Oct’homerfest
- Paint your own pot or pumpkin
- Valentine’s Day Beauty Competition – Judged by Paris!
- Productions of all or part of a classical play
- Field Trips
- Professional performances of classical theatre
- Museum exhibits
- Local attractions (one chapter went to a corn maze to re-enact Thesus’ experience in the Labyrinth – be creative!)
- Marathon Readings (Homer is especially popular – can you do 24 books in 24hrs?)
- T-shirt designs
- Olympic Games/Classics Carnival
- Latinists v. Hellenists
- Rubber-duck trireme battles? 3-legged races?
i. Gamma Omicron chapter planned a game of “gladiator” in which individuals made their own weapons and played a game of “assassin” in which each participant was provided with the name of another participant who he/she had to assassinate using the cardboard weapons they designed
- Classics Conversation Tables/Weekly Emails (Marquette has done a weekly etymology email to interested students)
- Classical Languages Lab
- If your school has a modern language lab already, see if you can include some Classics programs
- Reading Groups:
- Summer Reading Program – assign a book to read and discuss over the summer
- Lunchtime Reading Group
i. Meet once a week during lunch, read in translation or original language
- Reception
- For prospective Classics majors
- Information about study abroad, scholarship, and graduate school opportunities
- Classics Game Nights
- Latin Scrabble
- Classics charades
- Host your own Certamen
- Scavenger Hunt with clues in Greek and/or Latin
- Poetry Readings/Poetry Slam – In English, Greek, Latin
- Poetry composition in Latin and/or Greek
- Poetry translation competition – for eloquence, not accuracy
- Classics Crafts –
- Tie dye a toga (or anything else)
- Making paper and/or books
- Cooking according to ancient recipes
- Paint your own pot
- Greek folk-dancing
- Promote your chapter at your institution’s club information event and/or parent’s weekend festivities
- Make local supporters of the Classics “honorary” honorary members
- Attend CAMWS or CAS Conventions
- Fundraise for the National Endowment
- Team up and host events with other organizations – a history or philosophy honorary?
- Host or participate in a Regional Conference
- Host a teaching workshop aimed at teachers of Classical languages
- Invite other Eta Sigma Phi chapters to participate in any of these activities!!