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96th Annual Convention (March 22-24, 2024) Dickinson College

All chapters are invited to the 96th Annual Eta Sigma Phi Convention hosted by the Delta Theta Chapter at Dickinson College (Carlisle, PA) March 22-24, 2024.

The Delta Theta Chapter at Dickinson College invites you to the 96th annual convention, March 22-24, 2024. This meeting will include all of the things that make each year’s meeting special—Friday night certamen; papers presented by some of the nation’s brightest undergrads; Latin and Greek declamation contests; swag; and, most importantly, fellowship with other Eta Sigma Phi members from around the nation.

 Convention Highlights

Registration will open at 6:00 on Friday evening. In keeping with the ξενία, guests will be offered light refreshments before being asked whether they are Red Devils or not. The traditional ΗΣΦ Certamen is scheduled to start at 7:15 p.m., but because of traditional disorganization is likely to begin at 7:17 p.m. Teams will be assigned upon arrival. The prizes for the winning team are being supplied by our friends at the National Latin Exam. 

If Certamen is not your bag, there is an optional activity: Concert with Professor Pound and the Music Department described as a “musical adaptation of the Iliad.” Convention members are welcome to attend.

On Saturday morning, after the first business meeting, there will be a session of student papers, selected by the Eta Sigma Phi Program Committee.

On Saturday afternoon, visit booths highlighting various ancient activities and attend two presentations: Dickinson’s Dig Simulator and a Mythological Planetarium Presentation.

Get dressed in your finest ancient attire and attend the Saturday night banquet with special guest Dr. David Richeson. Don’t forget your abacus!

A second business session will take place on Sunday morning. The convention will conclude at noon on Sunday with the election and installation of new national officers and the selection of the host for the 2025 convention.

Convention Program

Call for Papers: Deadline is February 2, 2024 (Closed!)

Scholarships: ΗΣΦ Scholarship applications are due February 15, 2024. Please visit the individual scholarship pages for specific deadlines (ASCSA, AAR, Vergilian Society, etc.)

Chapter Reports

Each chapter should prepare a report to share at the first business meeting. Reports should be no more than five minutes long and should highlight the chapter’s activities since the last convention. A $100.00 award will be given at convention for the best service project sponsored by a local chapter promoting classical languages and cultures.

Chapter reports will be published in Nuntius and should be submitted via the website at:  https://www.etasigmaphi.org/members/membership-forms .

Contests & Scholarships decided before the Convention

Chapters Contests to be decided at the Convention

  • Outreach Prize (see Chapter Report above)
  • Best Student Paper (you gotta be in it to win it . . . so submit for consideration)
  • Best Chapter T-Shirt or other Regalia
  • Vir et Femina Vestiti Splendidissime (wear your finest at the Saturday-night banquet)
  • Thomas J. Sienkewicz. Latin Declamation Prize (see below)
  • Martha A. Davis Greek Declamation Prize (see below)

Declamation Contests

    • Thomas J. Sienkewicz. Latin Declamation Contest
    • Martha A. Davis Greek Declamation Contest
      • Students who attend the convention are encouraged to participate in this contest which will be held on Saturday, March 23. The winners of each Declamation Contest will recite the passage in person at the banquet on Saturday evening.
      • Judges will use the following criteria for judging:
        1. Pronunciation (You may use any accepted pronunciation; e.g., classical or ecclesiastical; but be consistent.)
        2. Interpretation of the Text
        3. Smoothness of Delivery
        4. Appropriate Use of Gestures (Use of costumes, props, and appropriate background is encouraged but is not necessary.)
        5. Demeanor
        6. Textual Accuracy


The registration fee for the meeting will be $60 per delegate (if paying by check) $65 (if paying by PayPal), which will include events Friday night through Sunday morning; breakfast, lunch and dinner on Saturday; breakfast on Sunday.


After February 18, the price of registration is $75 per delegate (check or PayPal).

If paying by PayPal, please visit the Regalia page and add a registration to your cart, then adjust the number to reflect the number of delegates. N.B. National Officers do not need to pay for registration nor do the students selected to give a presentation.

Getting to the Carlisle, PA

By plane: The nearest airport to Carlisle is Harrisburg (MDT) Airport which is 23 miles away. Other nearby airports include State College (SCE) (57.1 miles), Baltimore (BWI) (76.3 miles).

Delta Theta plans to arrange shuttles on Friday evening and Sunday morning for transport from/to the Harrisburg airport and train station.

Convention Hotel

The conference hotel, the Comfort Inn and Suites, Carlisle, PA. Complimentary breakfast is included on Saturday and Sunday. See below for more hotel details.
RESERVATION DEADLINE: FEBRUARY 18. After February 18, you are not guaranteed the convention rate.

Comfort Inn and Suites in Carlisle, PA (10 South Hanover St) PLEASE CALL (717) 960-1000  then press 0 to speak with Front Desk to make reservation. (https://comfortsuitescarlisle.com/)
Rooms are $129/night plus tax.

  • Each group will be responsible for contacting the Comfort Inn and Suites o reserve rooms; rooms are not arranged through Dickinson College and are not part of your registration fee.
  • If you are a student or advisor who would like to share a room with other Eta Sigma Phi members and split the cost, please reach out to Prof. Katherine Panagakos to inquire. katherine.panagakos@stockton.edu or etasigmaphinational@gmail.com.


Dress will be casual, with the exception of the banquet on Saturday night, when business casual clothes or traditional Roman or Greek dress are appropriate. The latter is highly encouraged, and a prize will be awarded to the vir et femina vestiti splendidissime.

Is your chapter interested in hosting the convention?

Proposals for hosting the 2025 national convention will be considered at this year’s convention. If your chapter is interested in making a proposal, some things to consider are (1) the support of your adviser; (2) the availability of lodging, either on campus or nearby at a motel or hotel; (3) travel to the convention by air, train, bus, and automobile; and (4) financial support of the chapter, the appropriate department(s), the institution, or state and local organizations.  The society is particularly interested in holding a convention more than 250 miles west of the Mississippi River or in the southern states. For more information, see Convention Bids.

Are you interested in running for a national office?

Megas/Megale Prytanis, Megas/Megale Hyparchos, Megas/Megale Grammateus, Megas/Megale Chrysophylax

Nominations for national officers (president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer) will be accepted at the business meeting on Saturday, with the election and installation at the business meeting on Sunday. Any undergraduate student who has been duly initiated into their local chapter, with the report of the initiation and the initiation fee received by the national office, is eligible to run. The national president must be a senior during the year of the office. Candidates must be present at the convention and the induction ceremony on Sunday. Delegates who are not at the second business meeting are not eligible to run for office. For more information, see https://www.etasigmaphi.org/hsphi/officers/handbook/