Delta Sigma at the University of California, Irvine

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By lkoelle on January 4, 2012. No Comments

The Delta Sigma Chapter of Eta Sigma

Phi has been active in encouraging fellow

students’ appreciation of and participation

in the study of Classics here at UC

Irvine. The chapter held regular weekly

homework review sessions in order to help

beginning language students more fully

understand and appreciate the nuances of

Greek and Latin. We also sponsored study

breaks before ever-stressful final exams. In

addition, we hosted screenings of movies

ranging from BBC’s I, Claudius to a PBS

special on Herculaneum. In April, we held

our fourth annual Undergraduate Colloquium,

inviting Professor Daniel Richter

from the University of Southern California

to give a lecture entitled “Well, What Are

These Things to Me, the Ones Concerning

Oak and Stone? Coming to Terms with

an Ancient Genealogical Proverb.” The

lecture was followed by a festive reception,

and we are grateful to the UCI School of

Humanities for the funding that enabled

us to hold this event. We held our annual

initiation event at the end of spring quarter

and were thrilled to initiate a number of

new members. Through daily immersion

in Classics both inside and outside of the

classroom, the Delta Sigma chapter tries to

live up to the ideals of Eta Sigma Phi!

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