Delta Upsilon at Valparaiso University

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By lkoelle on January 4, 2012. No Comments

The 2009–2010 academic year has been
quite eventful for the Delta Upsilon
Chapter at Valparaiso University. Our
chapter organized a trip to see two plays
with classical stories, Fedra and Icarus, at
the Looking Glass Theater in Chicago.
We also had two meetings of our Janus
book club, which discusses contemporary
works with classical themes. Our president,
Adelle Haneline, led a discussion on the
book Ad Infinitum by Nicholas Ostler and
in the second semester Emerald Davis
facilitated conversation about the poetry of
A. E. Stallings. We also had the privilege
of hosting A.E. Stallings for a lecture
called “Honey for the Physic: Englishing
Lucretius” on her translation of Lucretius’
De Rerum Natura from Penguin Classics.
She also performed a poetry reading from
her books Hapax and Archaic Smile.
Along with these unique opportunities,
the chapter has maintained its many
traditions. Our annual Christmas party
was held as a Saturnalia where Mediterranean
food and gifts were shared. We
also held a Homerathon where we had a
full day of reading aloud Homer’s Iliad.
The final event was our annual translation
symposium where students of Greek,
Latin, and Hebrew presented some of
their translations done over the course of
the year.

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