Epsilon Mu is happy to announce seven
new members this year. In addition to the
induction ceremonies, we have undertaken
the following activities:
1. Iter Botanicum: Classicists’ tour of
NY Botanical Garden that included an
overview of the history of botany from
Theophrastus to Linnaeus, readings from
Cicero, Vergil, and Pliny, a discussion with
contemporary botanists, and a visit to the
NYBG’s rare book room.
2. Iter Zoologicum: Free tour of Bronx
Zoo: leones, tigres, et ursi, papae! Animal
names and readings in Latin, bring the kids.
3. Theater outing: local production of
Euripides’ Iphigenia at Aulis.
We are summarily impressed, by the
way, with the great efforts that have been
put into making Nuntius as informative and
interesting a read as possible. Keep it up!