Eta Eta at Virginia Tech

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By lkoelle on January 4, 2012. No Comments

The Eta Eta chapter has been busy this
year. We met weekly at a local restaurant
for Classics Table where we talked about
Classics Club news and just relaxed after a
long week. We watched The Agora during
our fall semester movie night and we even
got together to watch some Hokie football.
We held a late night bake sale outside a
popular bar and restaurant in downtown
Blacksburg. The chapter held its first
annual Classics Undergraduate Research
Day where students in all levels of undergraduate
research gathered in a more
formal setting to present their progress
and even formal papers. We were proud to
have three students present their papers
at the Classical Association of the Middle
West and South-Southern Section meeting
this year in Richmond, Virginia. For the
Virginia Junior Classical League convention,
we sent several students to assist in
the events. At our yearly Hummel Lecture,
we invited Dr. Gonda Van Steen to speak
with us about Aristophanes. Before winter
break, we all gathered for our Saturnalia
celebration. This past spring semester, we
held a thirteen-hour reading marathon of
Vergil’s Aeneid and participated in volunteer
events such as the Big Event and Relay
for Life. We initiated thirteen new Eta
Sigma Phi members at our spring initiation
and celebrated our graduating seniors in a
year end gathering.

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