Eta Rho at University of Illinois, Chicago

Home » Res Gestae » Eta Rho at University of Illinois, Chicago

By lkoelle on January 4, 2012. No Comments

On April 1st 2011 our department hosted
the twenty-eighth annual Tracy Lecture,
given this year by Professor Sander
Goldberg of UCLA. Many of our members
attended. Before the lecture began, the
annual prizes were announced, and of the
four prizes being awarded, three went to
our members. Anesstasia Riem took the
prize for Ancient Greek and Najee Olya,
our prytanis, took the Latin prize. The
Outstanding Graduating Senior prize went to Briana Jackson who has also been
selected for induction into Phi Beta Kappa.
On Friday April 22nd we inducted eight
new members and there was a reception
following the ceremony.

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