Eta Zeta at Truman State University

Home » Res Gestae » Eta Zeta at Truman State University

By lkoelle on January 4, 2012. No Comments

Eta Zeta chapter sponsored a number
of academic and social events this year.
This Fall’s Classics “Alive and Kicking”
series included our delicious annual Greek
Dinner, a Classically-themed quiz bowl
showcasing our cleverness, capstone presentations
by our grand graduating seniors,
a wholly Homeric oral reading of Book 9 of
The Odyssey in Greek, and it was our pleasure
to host Dr. Daniel B. Levine, Professor
of Classics at the University of Arkansas,
who treated us to a piscine lecture entitled
“Tuna in Ancient Greece.” The spring edition
of the series featured a second encore
of the ever-popular Love at First Sight
Sight Translation Practice, an outstanding
oral reading of Sallust’s Bellum Catilinae,
and a lecture entitled “Literary Legacy
Hunting: An examination of captatio in
Roman Satire,” by alumna Heather Woods.
In addition to these more formal events,
the members of Eta Zeta chapter also met
weekly for activities such as trilingual
hangman, vocabulary victory, and informal
certamina, following our business meetings.
In the fall and in the spring we held twoday
Homerathons on the university quad,
during which we read as much as possible
of either The Iliad or The Odyssey. These
two events served several purposes: recruitment,
fundraising, and publicity, both for
our field of study and for the act of reading
these two poems aloud, as they were
intended, albeit in English. We also had
various and sundry other fundraisers. In
the interest of fostering intercollegiate relationships,
members of the chapter will also
attend the 61st Annual Missouri Junior
Classical League Convention, to assist
with judging contests, and running other
events; some of us also participated in
Missouri Senior Classical League planning
meetings. We designed and sold a t-shirt,
with top reasons for self-identification as a
Classicist. We initiated several members at
our annual initiation ceremony and Italian
dinner on April 2nd.

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