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Reactivate a Chapter


You find yourself with some free time and head over to the Eta Sigma Phi webpage. You decide to browse the list of chapters and see the dreaded † next to your chapter in the master list. INACTIVE! First, don’t worry. It happens to the best of chapters. Second, the reactivation process is quite easy. 

To reactivate a chapter:

a. Hold an initiation Ritual. There’s a short and a long version. Costumes are not optional! 🙂
b. Submit a Report on New Initiates.

c. Submit payment. We accept check, money order, and PayPal. To pay via PayPal, visit the Regalia page and add the type of membership to your cart: regular = undergraduate; associate = graduate student; honorary = faculty/staff. Once you’ve added, “view” cart and adjust number to reflect the number of initiates. Why not add some honor cords and stoles, too?

Lifetime membership (one time only fee) is $40 for regular members/undergraduates; $30 or $20 for associate members/graduate students (with and without certificate); free for honorary members.

That’s it! Please keep in mind that the National Office will not enroll new members until full payment has been made.

Membership includes: membership card, membership pin, and certificate (optional for associate members).