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Board of Trustees

Antonios Augoustakis (2027), Chair
Alpha Kappa at the University of Illinois

Joseph Garnjobst (2027)
Eta Delta at Hillsdale College

Georgia Irby (2025)
Omega at College of William and Mary

Daniel Levine (2027)
Beta Pi at University of Arkansas

David Sick (2027)
Beta Psi at Rhodes College

Robert Simmons (2028)
Gamma Omicron at Monmouth College

Bridget Thomas (2028)
Eta Zeta at Truman State University

Honorary Trustees

Martha A. Davis
Zeta Beta at Temple University

Sister Thérèse Marie Dougherty
Beta Kappa at Notre Dame of Maryland University

Mary Pendergraft
Beta Iota at Wake Forest University

Thomas J. Sienkewicz
Gamma Omicron at Monmouth College

C. Wayne Tucker
Beta Theta at Hampden-Sydney College

Editor of NUNTIUS

Interim editor, Katherine Panagakos
To be appointed
e-mail:  Katherine.Panagakos@stockton.edu

Executive Secretary 

Dr. Katherine Panagakos (2028)
Theta Tau at Stockton University
School of Arts and Humanities
Stockton University
101 Vera King Farris Drive
Galloway, NJ 08205
Office: (609) 652-4618

e-mail:  Katherine.Panagakos@stockton.edu


For a list of previous members of the board or officers, please see the archives page.