The Next Generation at SCS 2024

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By Katherine Panagakos on January 7, 2024.

The Next Generation: Papers by Undergraduate Classics Students (organized by Eta Sigma Phi)

January 5, 2024 SCS-20: SCS-20:

11:00 am-1:00 pm Salon C-8 (lower level)

Katherine Panagakos, Stockton University, Organizer

  1. Katherine Panagakos, Stockton University
  2. Zoe Korte, University of Missouri-Columbia
    The Electra Spectrum: A Comparative Analysis of Classical Reception of Sophocles’ Electra
  3. Jonathan Rolfe, Hillsdale College
    . .ore: Ovid’s Comic Use of Invented Epic Compounds
  4. Jared Plasberg, Christendom College
    Reading in St. Augustine’s Confessions: An Activity Moving Mind and Heart
  5. Alex-Jaden Peart, University of Pittsburgh
    Speaking (Un)freely: Phillis Wheatley and/at the Limits of Classicism
  6. Daniel Leon Ruiz, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign