Theta Sigma at Wright State University

Home » Res Gestae » Theta Sigma at Wright State University

By lkoelle on January 4, 2012. No Comments

This was the third year of Eta Sigma Phi at
Wright State. We initiated 11 members last
spring (2009). This current year we have
initiated six new members.
Our chapter president, B.J. Reynolds,
has attended university mandated training
in order for our chapter to continue its
status as an official student organization
here at Wright State. He has also organized
informal study sessions for his fellow
classmates and has actively encouraged his
peers to take Latin and Greek.
Eta Sigma Phi, in collaboration with the
Wright State Classics Club, hosted a reading
of Arisotphanes’ Birds in the fall. Following
our most recent initiation ceremony
we joined together with the Classics Club
for a reading of Seneca’s Apocolocyntosis.
This reading was particularly appropriate
as we are reading this work in the upper
division Latin class. All of the students in
that class are members of Eta Sigma Phi.
The Theta Sigma chapter continues
to thrive and grow at Wright State. We
look forward to another year of scholarship
blended with fellowship.

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