Eta Sigma Phi will again sponsor a panel for undergraduate research at the annual conference of the Society for Classical Studies, originally founded as American Philological Association. This is the seventh panel sponsored by the society. The papers were chosen by anonymous, qualified reviewers selected from among Eta Sigma Phi’s faculty advisers. The reviewers used the double-blind system required by the SCS. Kathleen M. Coleman, James Loeb Professor of the Classics at Harvard University and former President of the SCS, will comment on the students’ work.
The Next Generation: Papers by Undergraduate Classics Students
Maxwell A. Gray, Rhodes College, The Seal of Theognis and Oral Traditional Signature
J. LaRae Ferguson, Hillsdale College, “To Laugh at One’s Enemies:” Vengeance by Humiliation and the Tyranny of the Stronger in Sophocles’ Ajax
Haley Flagg, Washington University in St. Louis, Foreign Voices: Caesar’s Use of ‘Enemy’ Speech in the Helvetii Campaign
Emma Vanderpool, Monmouth College, Towards a New Lexicon of Fear: A Statistical and Grammatical Analysis of pertimescere in Cicero
Joshua Benjamins, Hillsdale College, “Et Legebat et Mutabatur Intus:” Reading and Conversion in Augustine’s Confessions
The society will also be represented in the exhibit hall at a booth attended by the national officers. Please stop by for news and schweet schwag.
Additionally members, advisors, and friends of society are invited to a reception on Saturday evening from 7-9 p.m. in the Rampart room of the Sheraton New Orleans. (Curate ut voluptates volvantur optimae.)
The annual meeting will be held January 8-11 in New Orleans. For more information, see the SCS website. Paper proposals for the society’s panel at 2016 meeting in San Francisco are due by February 2. See the call for papers.